Oct 20, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

Thank you for another beautifully written Friday essay. Your story on “the warming hole” makes me think that the only ones promulgating this scientific myth belong to another “hole” group....they are A**holes.

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Hilarious. I was trying to come up with a joke because "warming hole" - "a-hole," it was just too good, but I'm not that creative at the moment.

I should have asked you.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

My mind immediately went to "Alien Holes," but yours is WAY better. (Disclaimer: I get extra chow and less probing when I mention them in a positive light, but I don't like their food, and the probing isn't that bad, so A**holes it is!)

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

"(Disclaimer: I get extra chow and less probing when I mention them in a positive light, but I don't like their food, and the probing isn't that bad, so A**holes it is!)"

Excuse me while I whip this out.

*whips out "Pi's Shiny Haberdashery" biz card*

I can tell a Discerning Capellophile when I see one and you, Sir and/or Madam, are just such a ... Phile. *frowns, ponders*

Yes, anyway, can I interest you in something dapper? Perhaps a Tin Top Hat for your next formal engagement. Or just out on the town? A Foil Fedora is the New Black. Hat. Or something.

And I just got your hat size, 10/6, from the Alien Probe Findings Database. I can't believe they don't even encrypt that stuff. *shakes head like an IT guy*

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

Nice flashy card.

But...um...er..."they" don't allow us to have tin. Something about living in a microwave-intense environment. But I DO like hats. Maybe I can sneak one in. They let me visit home on every third weekend if I'm especially good. (I think next year, because I'm not.)

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

"Something about living in a microwave-intense environment."

*flashes flashy biz card again*

Accessorize with any of an array of Aluminum - still shiny - Faraday Cage Chapeau Nets. That'll surely cover radiation in most of the Far Microwave portion of the EM Spectrum.

The Carbon Fiber Cages are still in prototype but we could use some real world data for QA feedback in the millimeter wave range. If you'd be willing to Field Test a few for us the next time you're hanging with your homies from the A-Team, I'll throw in a Palladium Pith Helmet and your next chin strap for free!

Let me know. UPS picks up at 3:00 here in The Suburbs of Pretty Boy and I need a box.

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All sounds good, but no deals here. The I.C. tells the IRS. They tell "THEM" and I'm cooked. Good offers, though. :)

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Understood. Come for the Bad Grub, Stay for the <censored> Probing.

By which I mean the IRS Audit.

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I've about had as much of the climate-change hysteria as I can take. It's called weather - it's unpredictable, not subject to any type of control that man can attempt to impose - the best we can do is adapt to its effects: build levees in an effort to mitigate the threat of floodwaters; fire a .320 mm shell at a mountain to get the avalanche overwith; et al.

Climate change is to governmental and non-profit grifters in the 2000s what the War on Drugs was in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. A sham, but it employs too many people.

Some people dislike Nixon because of Watergate – *I* dislike him because the EPA was created on his watch. The Clean Air Act is nothing but a license for the environmental wackos (thanks, Rush) to behave like the Gestapo, much like the SEC empowers its agents to compete with organized crime to extort hundreds of millions from brokerage and trading firms when they are too prosperous.

Tens of thousands of teenagers are going to find out just how useless an argument that is when their dads tell them to rake up the leaves in the back yard. I doubt I would have been able to completely express the idea before my dad would have put an end to THAT.

There was an episode of the TV show, "Six Feet Under" that touched on the topic of organic burial...

See Sasha Stone's takedown of the NYT that she published earlier in the week...


"The typical house..."

Just what the hell is THAT? A 'typical' house in Texas is not a typical house in Illinois. A 'typical' house in California is MUCH different than a 'typical' house in Idaho. A 'typical' house in Ohio is not a typical house in Maine. A 'typical' house in Missouri is not a typical house in Florida. See where I'm going here? This trend of nationalizing every aspect of American life is tiresome. It is, I believe, intentional and designed to reduce virtually everything to its lowest common denominator.

Well, for those illegal aliens who find it so distasteful, feel free to self-deport and return to that from where you came.

"I hate to tell the Atlantic, but it ain’t the 'fringes' we have to worry about. The 'civilized, norm-following, Democracy™-loving Elephant and Ass Show' is almost totally made up of these types."

Now...don't be so disingenuous - you'd LOVE to tell that to "The Atlantic."

I had to vomit after encountering the puff-piece on Thoroughly Modern Milley...

So...genetics is a legitimate science for sh*t like this, but not when it comes to gender?

"'It can be hard for queer people in this field,'"

If I had my way, it would be damn near impossible for queers in ANY field...

Well, Skittles are now contraband in California – I can remember when Red Dye #2 was public enemy #1 eons ago...everything old is apparently new, again...

"Call me crazy, but 'adequate dietary modifications and physical activity' sound like excellent ways to address being overweight to begin with."

Nope – not crazy, at all. I would only add that between the two, modification of one's diet will be more effective than cardio, weights, cross-fit, or any of the other fads – those have benefit, but not necessarily weight loss.

Incidentally, before my own body began to rebel, and on one occasion post WLS surgery, I experienced noticeable weight loss when my daily routine involved not eating after ~6:00 pm, AND walking one-half to one mile to and from the train station. Walking - granted, doing so deliberately and with a purpose. WLS, and medication like Ozempic really ought to be last resorts, but we're a nation of Veruca Salts – we want results NOW – and Big Pharma is all too happy to oblige.

Perhaps I'll begin spending more time on Notes...CO seems to be picking up one or two new subscribers (free, like I care – I'm just thrilled someone finds it worthwhile) every week (and for that I am most grateful)...now, if only they'd comment, too...well, if you give a mouse a cookie...

I tried to make it through the spoonful, but couldn't...it just seemed all too real...

Thank you, once again, for this! Now, I'm prepped for Brother Don's recap tomorrow morning!

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True about the houses. I don't know how they figure those things.

You're right. I am disingenuous. I would love to tell the Atlantic that and so much more. (I laughed so hard when I read that. Thank you.)

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"*I* dislike him because the EPA was created on his watch. "

That's pretty bad but I think going off the Gold Standard is why I really dislike him.

I was born in '65 so my first real memories of anything remotely political is "Rihcard Nixon is the President." I can remember my dad explaining Fiat Currency to me when I was maybe 9 or 10.

One day I'll have to share my Digital Electronics story. He must have been a fantastic teacher.

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"but we're a nation of Veruca Salts – we want results NOW"

I love this.

Bumper sticker concept: "Don't be a Nation of Verucas."

It's a first draft. Suggestions welomed.

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Sorry! Can't think of any.

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"Well, Skittles are now contraband in California – I can remember when Red Dye #2 was public enemy #1 eons ago...everything old is apparently new, again..."

I mentioned RD#2 also on this here comments page.

Great minds... Sick minds... Whatever.

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How many red dyes are there and do we outlaw one only to "reinvent it" and outlaw it again, because that would be a good grift for everyone concerned?

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Since it's apparently random, I suggest that all Red Dyes #<Prime number> be permitted for use, and all Red Dyes #<Composite Number> be deemed An Abomination. *open Torah to Leviticus*

Or, WTH - only just allow Red Dye #3. Because The Number of the Counting Shall Be 3.


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"#<Prime number>"


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"Climate change is to governmental and non-profit grifters in the 2000s what the War on Drugs was in the 70s, 80s, and 90s."

*#TeamSnoutInTrough has entered the chat*

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

Hell yes!—laughing and spitting in their eyes.

Emily Peck of Axios Markets SAYS “You have to earn $115,000 a year to afford a typical house now.”

I call B.S. on Emily and anyone named Claver with a certificate from QFOP.

I JUST bought a house sight unseen and am moving my slightly less than middle-class family (of three, four or five..not sure) to a great place 30 miles south of Colorado Springs.


Return to Nature or Bust!

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Location, location, location. ROFL

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What an incredible document! Is there a story you didn't report on? I got a kick out of the picture of the testosterone-loaded homo fighting with a shark.

Your last comment has a historical precedent. When the USA firebombed Tokyo at the end of WW II, there were always leaflets dropped from American bombers warning of the coming firestorms. Did that make the roasting of thousands of innocent people a war crime? Yes. Just like General Sherman's notorious "march to the sea" that ended the American Civil War.

As technology becomes warfare, fewer military personnel die and more civilians die. It truly seems like a worldwide crapshow. Maybe we'll come out the other side or be turned into spirit-beings with the freedom to explore time and space with no limits. It's a win/win.

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I like the idea of becoming a spirit-being with the freedom to explore time and space with no limits. Thank you for that image.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

I am currently reading Ivan Antic's SYNCHRONICITY. Antic, a Serbian monk, believes that Reality = Consciousness. We create our reality by focusing our thoughts. Some believe positive thinking can change the world. When YHWH said "Let us make man in our image", he was not speaking of our physical appearance. To the extent that we can create things and recreate ourselves, we are gods.

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That sounds interesting, and I think there may be a lot of truth to it. I'll have to look it up.

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"Antic, a Serbian monk, believes that Reality = Consciousness. We create our reality by focusing our thoughts."

He is not wrong...there's something about that, though, that seems particularly Zen...not that there's anything wrong with that...

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Otoh, an objective reality is much more convenient and comforting.

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"When YHWH said "Let us make man in our image", he was not speaking of our physical appearance."


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"We create our reality by focusing our thoughts."

I've heard this before. Like some quantum probability function that collapses to reality at any given point in time.

Continuity is percieved. Very humanistic way of thinking about reality, really.

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"I got a kick out of the picture of the testosterone-loaded homo fighting with a shark."

*immediately leaves Comments section to jump ahead*

*review pic, makes that face*


"Imagine, pay-per-view, Drag Queens vs. Great Whites . . ."


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You make me lol, Pi!

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I agree, Charles; Lillia’s weekly update is a must-read for my friends and I.

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I get where you are coming from, Charles.

We could have a much better world. The devil is in how to get there.

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Every revolution has the seeds of counter-revolution in it. As people begin starving and the war spreads, there will likely be a resurgence of Christianity. Hopefully, these will be well-armed Christians. My neighbor is a Baptist and the 1st Baptist Church of Sevierville recently started locking its doors during church services and having armed men guarding inside and outside the building. If there is a future, this is it.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

"And I love how we prescribe drugs to combat the ill-effects of other drugs. Seems kind of like we’re doing this . . ."

In wrestling, every move has a counter. In theory, two skilled, experienced grapplers could do the face-in-armpit-elbow-against-groin-leg-ride equivalent of Thrust and Parry ad infinitum.

That's basically the Grace Slick School of Pharmacology.


Cool. My second Alice in Wonderland reference in the same Comments section. *pours a Kentucky Mule because the Best Part of Working From Home is Drinking on the Job*

*plus it's Friday*

*like all the other days that end with the letter 'y'*


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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

"But if we’re going down, we’re going down laughing and spitting in their eyes."

I'm in!


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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

Nice summary. Btw amount of Neanderthal DNA and higher IQ is highly positively correlated. Thus, highest average IQs and most Neanderthal DNA in order is Asians then whites then blacks. Blacks have virtually no Neanderthal DNA because they were quite separated from Neanderthals by seas and the Sahara desert at the time the groups were on both on the earth. Essentially, average IQ is well measured across groups and genes account for most of the differences. Go figure that the most obvious answer is the right one.

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Hey, Lillia!

Should this "Pi Guy" get his/her/their/its/etcetera own substack, or what?


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I agree completely. I've told him that repeatedly.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

"Do you know what happens to a person who is not diabetic if you give them insulin?"

Important Safety Tip: Be careful not to get on the bad side of an ID Junkie.

"I’m definitely probably not trying to figure out how to off anybody and get away with it."

But I really do dig this side of you. *snickerwink*

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

"So “Artemis” just admitted he’s not a woman. No woman has to “pass.” Women can be tall and heavy and no one questions their gender. To say you’re “passing” as something is to admit you aren’t it."

And that's really it. To whatever degree all trannies are trying to "pass" - and I'm not sure jamming it in our faces and asking us to both Accept and Ignore them simultaneously is the same thing as just quietly trying to fit in, which it sure seems like what "pass" is intended to mean - the whole thing's a charade and I do not and will not just pretend otherwise.

Mrs. Pi was at a conference on Tuesday and was asked by a person who appeared initially to be a woman to take "her" picture. When she was close enough to take "her" phone, she saw HIS hand. I broke into a verse of "Lola" by The Kinks, an act I had a explain later with a YouTube video and a copy of the lyrics.

At any rate, she's so nice and bubbly and outgoing that she probably played it off all cool and didn't do anything to make HIM fell uncomfortable. She did note, however, when HE was posing for the picture all hand-on-hip-knee-thrust-forward, and she asked "Would you like to take the picture in front of the Conference Check-in Table? Or that Conference sign over there?" "Nope. Right here."

HE didn't give a hoot that he was attending an engineering conference. HE only wanted to have a picture of HIMSELF all girled up out in public.


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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

"So in California, little girls can get puberty blockers in their applesauce but not red No. 3 in their cupcake frosting."

I went decades without Red M&Ms becuase Red Dyes #2 and #4 were found to be carcinogenic.

Red M&Ms contained neither Red Dye #2 nor Red Dye #4.

So they had to stop selling them. Because Cancer. Or something.

FDA and USDA basically divide the Food Regulatory Market up into 'Meat and Dairy' being under the auspices of the UDSA and the FDA covers the rest.

USDA gave us The Food Pyramid.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

"Thank you, farming Homo sapiens from Anatolia for just slightly reducing my Neanderthal-ness"

You can have my Neanderthalness when you priy it from My Cold Australopithecus Afarensis Long Curved-fingered Hands!

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Lillia Gajewski

"The “civilized, norm-following, Democracy™-loving Elephant and Ass Show” is almost totally made up of these types."

Loki help us.

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I’m glad you mentioned you got your stories from Apple News. I will stay away and rely on your translation.

I’m fully on board with a version of Jaws vs The Rainbow Jihad.

Artemis is finding out he should have stayed in the mens room. He’s obviously not equipped to hang with “the mean girls”.

I’m not feeling all that upbeat now so I’ll leave it there. Keep it up. Someone has to translate what doesn’t seem to make any sense.

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"After graduating, Toto..."

I think I see the problem just three words in.

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Wow, I could have trimmed that one way down. You're right.

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Short and Sweet isn't usually my way but, sure, yeah. 🤣

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