Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

I hope imprisoning Bannon works out for the Dems the same way imprisoning Mahatma worked out for the Brits.

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Jun 16Liked by Lillia Gajewski

they're hoping it'll go at least as well as it went for apartheid South Africa's imprisonment of Mandela et al. - just buy enough time..... (fun side note - Mandela was in hiding before the "trial" and it was our illustrious CIA that ratted him out to S.A. police)

I'm giving it maybe 50/50 it'll be more like Navalny though

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

This was in my YouTube feed this morning. It's one of the best legal criticisms of the Trump conviction that I've heard yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpdi7GEkQwI

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An excellent video. Wyoming definitely traded up with Harriet Hageman.

The Democrats aren't worried about the reversibility of the case. They *only* wanted the headline. It doesn't matter to them if it's reversed down the road, just that it won't be reversed before the election. This is a pattern: do something crazy (COVID lockdowns, the laptop, this prosecution), have it be reversed down the road, memoryhole it because you got what you wanted. And as long as it keeps working for them, they'll keep doing it.

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

If that's their strategy, it won't keep working for them for very long as everyone, even more uninformed voters, can smell the stench of "lawfare," especially now that the details of the coof fiasco and the press suppression of the Biden laptop are finally being discussed publicly.

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

I pray you’re correct, Bull. I worry that there are so many now fully dependent on welfare and government monies that they would elect the devil if it meant them missing a lunch. Oh wait a minute, they’ve done that already with Biden.

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

Add “had to genocide 30,000, maim 100,000 and make homeless 1,000,000 civilians to get Hamas” to your list of soon to be memory-holed atrocities.

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Unfortunately, that one is already memory-holed.

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

Great clip, Bull. Thanks for sharing it.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

I swear I'm going to read tonight. I've got issues with You People! I got stuff to say.

In the meantime, here's my Mrs. Pi's brother and fam under the maple with proud Abuela.


Taking the uke out to the patio. I know all the Toddler Set tunes. #RainDropsLemonDrops

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Is, "Baby Shark" part of the set list?

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

*touches forefinger to nose* That's a BINGO!

The little guy with his back to us is obscuring a little plastic toy that goes around in circles and The Little People have tiny little 'rods' and are, in this very picture, 'fishing' as the the little oil box plays... Baby Shark in G. I totally swear. I strummed G and D on the uke for a probably 30 mins

(not pictured is Mrs. Pi, on the road to picking up Stepson from his week-long school retreat; I may have to talk about her - he and I just tossed the pigskin and yacked abit and... they must've done something that really mattered to him. _Something something Education is.more than just School stuff_.

I can't wait to hear more about this.)

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

"Biden has refused to grant an interview with the paper... in retaliation for its supposedly negative coverage of him."

So is it really that the New York Times is too rough and tumble for Biden, or is it that they want to portray themselves as being too punk rock for the White House wimps?

"Apple’s approach, dubbed Apple Intelligence, envisions a future in which a ubiquitous AI system that knows all about you can use that knowledge to surface the right information and take action on your behalf."

I know they think this sounds awesome, but it reads to me like getting hate mail from the Terminator. It reads like some evil aliens have declared that they're going to install Jeffrey Dahmer as the supreme ruler of Earth, for our protection.

If we ever have a President that's worth a goddamn, he'll declare Apple to be a terrorist organization and an enemy of humanity.

"I’m worried the electricity will go out and humans will starve because we forgot not just how to make fire but that we need fire."

Excellently put.

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

I find Jameson pairs with coffee most delightfully.


It's Saturday, which means I'm not working, which means I have a little time to read and comment.

I have a facility with SQL (Structured Query Language), relational databases, and Excel spreadsheets – lately, my task is to create a number of reports for my client's client, transform the data into a report that makes sense, and then format it in an Excel file complete with pivot tables, on demand (read as, yesterday). It isn't particularly difficult, but it is time-consuming, and I didn't realize how under pressure I was until I logged off for the day, and then fell asleep at my desk for ~20 minutes – otherwise, I might have found time to comment on this week's FFS!

Nonetheless, onward:

Well, I'm not in denial; not delusional; nor cultish – thanks, for that...I guess...


"I have noticed since October 7th that America First only holds, for most Republicans, until it comes to Israel."

I submit that's true for members of congress and those in the chattering class – it is NOT true for me, or for most like me who have no political home other than the Republican Party until it is replaced by MAGA.

"(1) large chunks of the Christian community and Republican voters believe that the US must stand by Israel going into the end times (I’ve seen non-Israel supporting Jews call this Jesus baiting),"

Mine is that the US ought to stand by its only reliable ally in that part of the world. The "Christian" part of that argument is based in a grossly incorrect understanding of what "God's chosen people" really means: Jews were God's chosen people for the purpose of receiving the salvation made available through Christ's death and resurrection – but when they rejected that gift, the apostle Paul (formerly the Pharisee Saul), was charged with preaching that salvation to the Gentiles. Status as, "God's Chosen People" ended, there.

The other two, I'll leave alone as I really have no opinion one way or the other.

I'll simply offer this: whether Israel is reaping what it sowed if, in fact, it did create/fund Hamas/Hezbollah in an ill-advised gambit to have a controlled opposition many years ago, the people who were murdered, raped, kidnapped, and otherwise assaulted weren't part of that decision by their government then, and they didn't deserve any of it. The US' serially inept IC helped create and fund ISIS years ago, but I don't think Daniel Pearl deserved to pay the price for this country's most incompetent spooks.

So yes, it is crucial that Israel win its own war - the US ought to stand by its allly, but that doesn't mean sending $ abroad. Weapons? Sure - oh, wait...we left them all in Afghanistan. I don't support cash for Ukraine, I don't support cash for Israel.

I know you paint with a broad brush, and I know you have your reasons for your stance, and I just seek to escape its swath.


"Maybe only 'mostly so' is the best we can hope for."

This is probably the case, but it's better than what we have now – everyone EXCEPT Americans have the rights that once were available to Americans, only.


I wish the 1% would leave Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Colorado alone – maybe the road being taken out by a landslide will help to hasten it. Personally, I'd like to take every one of those people to the Jim Town Bar in Crow Agency, and leave them there.


Good for Elon!

I prefer Mac for my personal use, but I won't use an iPhone - too expensive, and Apple owns the data. With an Android, I can download my phone data into a .csv file using the Bandicoot app, and analyze my usage for myself.

Apple's AI doesn't help much.


If they were serious about a truly Texas Stock Exchange, it would be located in Midland (in the middle of west Texas) and would limit it to Texas-based corporations – as it is, it looks like it will be in Houston (Texas' left armpit), which really isn't so different from NYC.


Viewing, The Wrath of Becky, tonight!

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Genuine question, not picking a fight. Why does the US *need* an ally in the region?

And I'm sorry work is kicking your behind.

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

The only thing worse than working is not working!

The US needs an ally in that part of the world for much the same reason it needs allies in any other part of the world, and Israel is the best one to have, in my opinion – for it being a theocratic state, it's pretty tolerant of the people who live and work in Israel who otherwise would like to see it wiped from the face of the earth.

Its economy is stable, it has a thriving tech sector, and it is as self-sufficient as any other country in the Middle East, and it's largely a western-oriented culture.

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"I know you paint with a broad brush, and I know you have your reasons for your stance, and I just seek to escape its swath" Thank you for reminding me that sometimes I overgeneralize. Yes, I know there are Republicans like you that support Israel but don't want to send money. That consistency I can respect even if I disagree about Israel.

As for Viewing "The Wrath of Becky," don't say I didn't warn you.

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Jun 16Liked by Lillia Gajewski

We viewed it, last night – we LOVED it!!

Maybe only white "patriotic" males can be the villains, now, but those guys were assholes, regardless.

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I'm glad you liked it. If you liked that one, have you seen "Ready or Not"? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtYTwUxhAoI)

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

Merchan probably was just doing a cya. You’re right. The Ds got their headline, and their “felon” label and boy are they milking it. Hard to say how much effect it has.

The Covid ruling is interesting. If I was running the D strategy I’d hang all the Covid stuff I could on Trump. He seems more than willing to accept it. Trouble is so many of them are in on it too.

Yes Trump is going to be an Israeli bitch. You can see that coming. That whole subject is tiresome. Anyone can see now what’s going on. I would guess only a Russian Zircon, courtesy of Iran, will change anything there. Even the “moderates” really aren’t.

That landslide was crazy. I saw pictures a few days ago. That doesn’t look like a project that gets fixed in a couple of weeks.

“But it has to be done right”…lol. Famous last words. I’m shocked that Elon doesn’t like the Apple approach. Of course his approach is going to be “done right”.

You will need to do another Stack for your culture stuff ala Wicked Mike’s Ghosts. My contribution to culture was to finally see Furiosa. I enjoyed it. I read so much crap about the death of “girl boss” movies but it wasn’t that. I’m not sure why the expectations for blockbuster status were so high. It was a prequel to a nine year old movie that didn’t do that well at the box office. Mad Max is a niche movie collection anyway. Everything has to be political.

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

"Please stop covering the trial of Biden’s main political rival"

"Whatever you do,” cried Brer Rabbit, “Don’t throw me into the briar patch!"

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski


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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

"Or is this just the circus circus-ing?"

"Say, Lil - mind sliding that Panem my way?"

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

Sorry I'm late. We were at the O's game last night. It went into extras with an hour-rain delay after 10 so we got in late. Dante's up with Mama, still resting off the late night.


(Note for unTex: yes, Bailey's - L'Chayim, my friend!)

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I envy you where you live.

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

Are you KIDDING?

Rural Maryland IS beautiful, as is exurban Maryland – but you're in freaking Montana – second only to Texas!!

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I am in a very beautiful place if I get out of town and go to the mountains, but never in my lifetime will I set a rose down, forget to plant it, and have it grow through the bottom of the pot and come back. I'm sitting here begging two little hibiscuses to please come back. (One looks like it is, the other needs more prayers.)

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

"but never in my lifetime will I set a rose down, forget to plant it, and have it grow through the bottom of the pot and come back."

I'm not a Signs Guy but that made an impact. I really like that you remember that story.

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

I hope it's not weird to say I hope Team Pi gets out west and finds out way over Lil-ward.

I'd love to share with both of you one day, here, there, whatever.

And we're making out pretty well here so, like, all the popcorn you can eat. Just give us a couple hours heads-up and there will be snacks.

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

We do really love it here.

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

My ex's parents live(d) in Rockville, I loved that area once I got out of the area proper and into the farms and gently rolling hills...

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Mrs Pi's college friends are all around Rockville but, as you note, they've succeeded in life and moved out to the gently rolling hills, all of them. That's where we are but about 40 mins north of The Rock.

It's not all DC and Baltimore.


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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

Regarding casting bad guys now, it is strictly now straight white males. Has been for that way for at least 4 years. Here’s a little Haiku to remember the formula.

Victims best be gay,

Blacks, lesbians, trans okay,

Bads, male, straight and white.

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

There is not a more truthful, insightful and objective author than Lillia Gajewski. I regularly read a dozen authors; Nickson, Greenwald and Kelly are in same league. These Saturday updates are invaluable in grounding the reader of the world headlines and hypocrisy embedded. Like a Rosetta Stone in understanding MSM Orwellian double speak and wrong think.

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Who is Nickson? I've not come across that author.

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Jun 15Liked by Lillia Gajewski

Elizabeth Nickson. Similar style as you.

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Thank you!

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Jun 16Liked by Lillia Gajewski

With regard to your question if you missed anything, you may want to consider if these were misses; Father’s Day, Prideful Month, Biden wandering at G7, EU shock elections and Macron call for snap elections, VA as a new battleground state, hint to readers on how to support your objectives.

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I thought I included Biden wandering on Friday. I'll have to go back and check. Thank you for the rest.

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Jun 16Liked by Lillia Gajewski

Typo; “ (3) we have a lot of people in high and or “. The number should have been (2).

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Author

Good grief. Fixed. Thank you.

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